Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor of Public Administration
Department of Public Administration and Policy

George A. Krause is Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor of Public Administration in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia. He earned a B.A. degree in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh in April 1988. He also earned an M.A. degree in Economics (1990), M.A. degree in Political Science (1993), and a Ph.D. degree in Political Science (1994) from West Virginia University. From 1994-2005, he served as an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of South Carolina, and from 2005-2017 served as Professor of Political Science at the University of Pittsburgh.

As a political scientist, Krause’s core research interests center on governance, accountability, and representation in the United States. These interests span a diverse and eclectic set of fields and subfields, including Public Administration, Organizational Theory, Executive Politics, Political Economics, Legislative Politics, and Subnational Politics & Policymaking. His current research activities investigate both the selection and the role of bureaucratic leadership in U.S. federal government agencies; the exercise of executive authority; administrative performance; the implications of shared power arrangements for democratic governance and policymaking within the administrative state; and the institutional and organizational aspects of fiscal policymaking in the realm of democratic politics.

Krause is the author of two books (Two-Way Street: Institutional Dynamics of the Modern Administrative State. 1999. University of Pittsburgh Press; The Diversity Paradox: Political Parties, Legislatures, and the Organizational Foundations of Representation in America. 2012. Oxford University Press, with Kristin Kanthak), and co-editor of one volume of essays (Politics, Policy, and Organizations: Frontiers in the Scientific Study of Bureaucracy. 2003. University of Michigan Press, with Kenneth J. Meier). In addition, his published research has appeared in American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political ScienceJournal of PoliticsBritish Journal of Political SciencePolitical Science Research and Methods, Political Analysis, Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Governance, Economics & Politics, Journal of Public Policy, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Public Opinion QuarterlyRationality & SocietyThe Oxford Handbook of American BureaucracyThe Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government, as well as in several other academic journals and edited volumes.

Krause is the 2012 recipient of the Herbert A. Simon Award [for Significant Career Scholarly Contributions to the Scientific Study of Bureaucracy], administered by the Midwest Political Science Association, as well as the 2005 recipient of the Donald B. Russell Award for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of South Carolina [University–wide career research award given to one faculty member in the Humanities and Social Sciences per academic year]. His book with Kristin Kanthak, The Diversity Paradox: Political Parties, Legislatures, and the Organizational Foundations of Representation in America. 2012. Oxford University Press, was the 2013 recipient of the Alan Rosenthal Prize [for Best Book or Article in Legislative Studies that has Potential Value to Legislative Practitioners], administered by the Legislative Politics section of the American Political Science Association. His co-authored article with Daniel Carpenter “Reputation and Public Administration” (2012, January/February issue, pp. 26–32) was selected as one of the 75 Most Influential Articles Published in the 75 Year History of Public Administration Review (2014). He has also been the recipient of the 2020 Founders Award Honoring Martha Joynt Kumar for Best Paper Presented by Ph.D. Holding Scholars, Presidency and Executive Politics organized section of the American Political Science Association, as well as the 2022 Best Paper in American Politics Award from the Midwest Political Science Association.

Krause is formerly an Associate Editor for the Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory. In addition, Krause has served as an appointed member on the editorial boards of American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory,  Public Administration Review, Political Analysis, and Publius: The Journal of Federalism (Advisory Council).