Krause, George A., and Jungyeon Park. “Improving Social Equity within Public Organizations: Authority Differentials as Reference Points for Fostering Diversity and Inclusion within U.S. Federal Agencies.” [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and Michelle L. Lofton. “Fiscal Opportunity Coupled with Political Willingness? Unpacking the Effects of TELs and Partisan Governments on Income Inequality in the American States, 1986−2020.” [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and Jason S. Byers. “Executive Deference or Legislative Constraint? Senate Committees and the Exercise of Decentralized Authority over U.S. Executive Nominations.” University of Georgia. Typescript. [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and David E. Lewis. “Obtaining Comparable Measures of Agency Performance: An Application to U.S. Federal Agencies, 2000-2022.” [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and Ji Hyeun Hong. “Political-Economic Inequality Bias via Administrative Error Detection: Bureaucratic Targeting in the Administration of Unemployment Insurance Programs in the American States.” [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and Ji Hyeun Hong. “Agency Leaders and Organizational Adaptation to Administrative Reform: Evidence from the Timely Disbursement of Unemployment Insurance Benefits in the American States.” [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and Ji Hyeun Hong. “Organizational Adaptation, Task Complexity, and Effective Administration of Unemployment Programs in the American States.” [Working Paper]

Krause, George A., and David E. Lewis. “Reconsidering the Politics−Administration Divide: Presidents, Goal Alignment, and Performance in U.S. Federal Agencies.” [Working Paper]

Byers, Jason S., and George A. Krause. “The Loyalty Premium: Estimating the Presidential Value of Unified Partisan Control of the Executive Appointment Process.”